
Software built on pride and love of subject is superior to software built for profit.

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AITAM is a collaborative tool to help associates to manage and track their action items to completion. AITAM can be used to Create, Assign, Track, Review and Manage the Action Items of a team. ~v1

This is the older version (v1) of
It was developed as an experimental project

Open Source Samples

Open source isn’t about saving money, it’s about doing more stuff


If you didn't document it, you didn't do it

Ionic Cloud for Yeoman Ionic Projects: The steps to use Ionic Platform (Cloud) in the non-standard Ionic projects created using Yeoman.

Facebook Feeds: The steps to obtain the facebook access tokens and the using the tokens to fetch FB feeds.

Google Feeds The steps to get Google access tokens to fetch data from Google APIs

Stack Overflow Feeds: The steps to get the Stack Overflow timeline (feeds) of a user

Steam Feeds The steps to get the Steam profile and game feeds

GitHub Feeds The steps to get your GitHub feeds/TimeLine

Connect Google Cloud SQL The steps to connect Google Cloud SQL instance with Google App Engine application and MySQL Workbench

Azure AD B2C - Angularjs sample The steps to secure an AngularJS based web and mobile app usig Azure AD B2C.

Azure AD B2C - Hello.js The steps to implement Azure Active Directory B2C in a web app using Hello.js.

Azure AD B2C - Cordova app The steps to implement Azure Active Directory B2C in a mobile app using Adal cordova plugin